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Using the Switch Point Calculator

When you have watched this video you will realize that using a Switch Point Calculator to help you budget is very straightforward. All you need to do is enter the figures that have been here in this post and click the “submit” button. This copyrighted software does all the work for you.

Once you have done this, the switch point calculator is going to determine the fixed interest rate point when you should be making the switch to a fixed interest rate mortgage. This is critical personal planning knowledge for your budget at a time of historically low-interest rates.

It is all about managing your budget in a proactive manner so that you and your family don’t experience mortgage stress. It is a simple calculator, but one that is essential, especially for mortgage borrowers who are on a very tight budget. The next step is to make sure that get advice early before making any decisions. Below the video, we remind you of the contact points in the United Kingdom.


If you have any queries about this please contact us using the contact form below.

The Importance of Getting Advice Early

This website is about why you need to get advice early. It provides general information only and is not a recommendation to act in any particular way other than to seek advice early. In the United Kingdom, the starting place always should be to Ring The Money Advice Service (0800 138 7777). Their advice is free and impartial.

However, if you feel that you want to independently pay for advice from a financial planner The Money Advice Service has guidance on how to select a financial planner which you can read by following this link here and if you believe you want specific mortgage advice and are considering getting a mortgage adviser you should read this article here:

 Also, you can contact directly to mail: